Every 40 seconds, a company gets hit with ransomware.
Experts estimate ransomware generated $1 billion last year.
Phishing email attachments have become the #1 delivery vehicle for ransomware. Servers and Databases are at risk for intrusion attacks.
Ransomware is evolving. With "doxware," simply wiping the infected systems and recovering from backup no longer makes the problem go away.
Your network is at the crosshairs of the increasingly complex array of ransomware, advanced threats, targeted attacks, vulnerabilities, and exploits every hour of every day. Only complete visibility into all network traffic and activity will keep your network security ahead of today’s purpose-built attacks which bypass traditional controls, exploit network vulnerabilities, and either ransom or steal sensitive data, communications, and intellectual property.
Ransomware is a type of malware that prevents or limits users from accessing their system, either by locking the system's screen or by locking the users' files unless a ransom is paid. More modern ransomware families, collectively categorized as crypto-ransomware, encrypt certain file types on infected systems and forces users to pay the ransom through certain online payment methods to get a decrypt key.
Ransom prices vary depending on the ransomware variant and the price or exchange rates of digital currencies. Thanks to the perceived anonymity offered by cryptocurrencies, ransomware operators commonly specify ransom payments in bitcoins. Recent ransomware variants have also listed alternative payment options such as iTunes and Amazon gift cards. It should be noted, however, that paying the ransom does not guarantee that users will get the decryption key or unlock tool required to regain access to the infected system or hostaged files.
Users may encounter this threat through a variety of means. Ransomware can be downloaded onto systems when unwitting users visit malicious or compromised websites. It can also arrive as a payload either dropped or downloaded by other malware. Some ransomware are known to be delivered as attachments from spammed email, attached to photos, downloaded from malicious pages through malvertisements, or dropped by exploit kits onto vulnerable systems.
Once executed in the system, ransomware can either lock the computer screen, or, in the case of crypto-ransomware, encrypt predetermined files. In the first scenario, a full-screen image or notification is displayed on the infected system's screen, which prevents victims from using their system. This also shows the instructions on how users can pay for the ransom. The second type of ransomware prevents access to files to potentially critical or valuable files like documents and spreadsheets.
The good news is ransomware can be stopped before it does devastating damage.
Trend Micro Network Defense detects and prevents breaches at wire speed anywhere on your network to protect your critical data and reputation.
Preserve the integrity of your business with a network security system that ensures your data, communications, intellectual property, and other intangible assets are not monetized by unwanted third parties. Thousands of global enterprises rely on Trend Micro's combination of innovative next-generation intrusion prevention. As an Integrator, we conduct network assessments to prevent targeted attacks, advanced threats, and ransomware variants, including WannaCry and beyond, from embedding or spreading within your network.
Powered by XGen™ security, Trend Micro Network Defense provides world-leading insight into zero-day vulnerabilities, and proactive countermeasures provided by the Digital Vaccine Labs (DVLabs) and Zero Day Initiative.
Enterprises should use a multi-layered approach to mitigate the risks brought threats like ransomware and targeted attacks. Email and web gateway solutions such as Trend Micro™ Deep Discovery™ Email Inspector and InterScan™ Web Security can prevent ransomware from ever reaching end users. At the endpoint level, Trend Micro Smart Protection Suites deliver several capabilities like high fidelity machine learning, behavior monitoring and application control, and vulnerability shielding that minimizes the impact of this threat. Trend Micro Deep Discovery Inspector detects and blocks ransomware on networks, while Trend Micro Deep Security™ stops ransomware from reaching enterprise servers–regardless if they’re physical, virtual, or in the cloud.
For small businesses, Trend Micro Worry-Free Services Advanced offers cloud-based email gateway security through Hosted Email Security. Its endpoint protection also delivers several capabilities such as behavior monitoring and real-time web reputation in order detect and block ransomware.
Detection of Malicious Network Activity
Analysis of all network traffic to identify exploits, attacker behavior, command-and-control, and more for all network traffic across the entire attack life cycle.
Custom Analysis
Detects and blocks spear phishing attacks and shares threat intelligence with both Trend Micro and third-party security investments.
Shared Insight Threat
The ability to seamlessly share threat insight with SIEMs, gateways, as well as both Trend Micro and third-party security investments.
Don't wait for disaster to strike. Request a Free Assessment today and protect your network from Ransomware and targeted threats.